Summary is the missing piece in your quality management program. It sets the stage for acceptance and creates a culture of personal and organizational improvement.
“Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business, and to provide jobs.”
Point 1 of the 14 Points for Management, page 23 of Out of the Crisis.
“Constancy of purpose” is Dr. Deming’s words for being on-purpose as a person, a team, and an organization. He made this point 1 of his famous 14 Points for Management because he knew that purpose answers the “Why” question. Without a why there is no reason for being. Without a reason for being, why bother spending your time on meaninglessness? provides the simplest of tools to dramatically power up your quality management program as your single greatest place of variability — the people. Regardless of whether it is LEAN, Six Sigma, TQM, Kaisen, or any other name, the program relies upon people meaningfully engaged and caring about improvement and the results. In short, there can be no effect without a cause and a 2-word purpose statement provides a personal cause for life that can come alive in one’s work.
Target Audience Training Application
Insert the tool early into your quality management program to begin early buy-in to the idea of self-improvement as a part of process improvement.
Use in a cascading fashion starting with the key leaders of your quality management program. Next, roll it out to members of the specific team charged with broader implementation. Finally, have every team member involved in the operation find his or her personal 2-word purpose statement. When people grasp their personal power, potential, and possibility of cause and effect, then embracing organizational improvement becomes a natural extension of what’s begun within them.
Below are On-Purpose resources from which you can draw thoughts, inspiration, and insights as you prepare your quality management training program.
- Blog: Read this blog post about the human side of quality management:
- Videos:
- What Is Trust? Can I Trust You? This video recounts the tale of Hamlet, the standard poodle, who lost trust and lost opportunity as a result.
- Are You Prepared to Truly Prosper? A prosperous person is more capable and inclined toward improvement versus hoarding positional power and information or exhibiting passive-aggressive behavior to deter the quality management effort and team.
Need further help customizing and integrating and your training objectives and outcomes? Join a live On-Purpose Presenter–only video conference call to ask questions or invest in a one-hour consultation. We’ll help you better connect the dots of the module to your program and learner outcomes.