Summary: Use the module to power up each person in the relationship with a 2-word purpose statement. Two “on-purpose persons in creation” hold a significant advantage over couples who don’t know their purpose either individually or as a couple.
Healthier and more whole people are likelier to reflect the same in their relationship, marriage, and family. When individual identities are strengthened by purpose, there’s less risk of misplaced identity, unfair expectations, codependence, or worse.
Target Audience Training Application: If you’re involved in the complex world of helping people make, mend, or master matters of the heart, then you probably see people who get lost in a relationship and lose their identity to the detriment of all parties. On the positive side, what about setting up couples for a flourishing relationship starting by each of them knowing their 2-word purpose in life and personal identity apart from all others?
- Marriage counselors
- Marriage seminar leaders/facilitators
- Matchmakers/dating advisors
- Those who perform marriages
- Deans of students
- Student ministry leaders
- Reconciliation
- Divorce attorneys
Resources: The following suggested resources are provided to ignite and inspire your thinking about how purpose and romantic relationships can work together in sweet harmony.
- Books:
- The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense. This best-selling book provides a personal operating system that meets people where they are in their life and walks them from chaos and confusion to a place of clarity. Readers transition from knowing their purpose to being on-purpose. Like driving a car, being on-purpose is an easily learned skill that transports our lives from where we are to where we want to be.
- FIT 4 Leading: Discover the Joy of Taking a Hard Look at Yourself. FIT 4 Leading is a concise message overcoming the top four obstacles to being true to oneself or identity. This “how to” book is small in size but deep in content. One of the four obstacles to success is health and well-being, yet it is also the least mentioned.
- Videos:
- Are You Stuck? What could be worse than feeling stuck in a bad marriage or relationship? This wasn’t in your plan.
- Are You a Success and Feeling Successful? Your definition of success is as unique as your fingerprints. You may feel successful in your work life and like a failure in your home life, or the other way around. Purpose provides a forever place of peace to plant and grow seeds of gratitude.
- Do You Have a Compelling Why? The more each person in the relationship knows, understands, and expresses his or her personal purpose in and through the relationship, the greater their commitment to their partner and purpose.
- Program:
- On-Purpose Peace is a small group study for Christians led by a volunteer facilitator. For couple who want to make a good relationship better or mend a broken one, finding one’s inner peace through purpose and being on-purpose is a great start.
Need further help customizing and integrating and your training objectives and outcomes? Join a live On-Purpose Presenter–only video conference call to ask questions or invest in a one-hour consultation. We’ll help you better connect the dots of the module to your program and learner outcomes.