The module provides people with a 2-word purpose — a solid inner core. Such strength of personhood insulates them from the too often devastating effects of change. An identity grounded in purpose offers healthy boundaries and clear distinction for who they are from their circumstances. The effects of being on-purpose are more calm and greater resilience in the swirl of change.
Change Management too frequently strikes fear into the hearts of those being affected by the coming uncertainty and personal implications. provides each person involved with a 2-word purpose statement.
Purpose is permanent and unchanging. People in possession of their personal purpose who are actively engaged in being on-purpose are far less susceptible to the inevitable actual and emotional swings within the organization.
Target Audience Training Application
Change comes in two ways: planned and unplanned. The differences are the suddenness and preparedness to accept and process change. In either case, the goal is to mitigate the negative impact and maximize the positive and productive possibilities. Purpose provides perspective to better navigate the human turbulence to produce more sound decisions.
Planned change provides the best opportunity to mitigate rippling negative effects. Whereas unplanned change leaves people scrambling unless contingency plans were already in place.
What’s your role?
- Organizational Consultant
- People (Human Resources) Department team member
- Public relations: crisis manager
- Career development advisor
- Crisis counselor
- Emergency management and disaster relief team member
- Mergers & Acquisitions/Culture blending consultant
- Life transition coach
- Funeral services director
- Caregiver coach/educator
For Planned Changes: Use as a stand-alone training or part of your change management process well in advance of your planned changes or at the start of the changes. Involve all who will be affected. First, it is an investment in people that shows you care. Second, it fortifies many of them so their identity is secure if their job or circumstance is in flux. Third, a bit more calm and peace in the midst of the team really helps the change to come about with less disruption and faster adoption.
Tip: Even if job loss is inevitable for some, giving them a departing gift of knowing their 2-word purpose will help them with their Career Development plan and get them back to work faster and more engaged.
For Unplanned Changes: Every day, every organization faces unplanned changes. In this instance, we’re focused on the big ones, the ones that rumble or rip through the fabric of the culture. In these moments, the first step is assessment followed by assurances. Focus on the leader and leadership team to anchor them deeply in their personal identity in anticipation of an onslaught that will test them physically, mentally, and spiritually. Purpose calms panic and centers people in what matters most within their framework of experience and leadership.
Tip: Add use of to your contingency planning. There’s the immediate benefit of people knowing their purpose. There’s also the long-term benefit of personal leadership development and resilience due to having the internal fortitude of knowing who they are and not conflating their work with their identity.
- Blog:
- Two Views of Human Nature and Work. There is the “objective” and the “subjective” view of people. Per Bill O’Brien, the subjective view is the future and wholeness of people is the standard.
- Videos:
- Why Does Change Management Fail? Here’s Kevin W. McCarthy’s candid commentary on why “Change Management” needs to be replaced with “Growth Management.”
- Are You Prepared to Truly Prosper? A prosperous person is more capable and inclined toward growth and the inevitably of change. They’re less likely to hoard positional power, create turf wars, and withhold vital information. Instead of exhibiting passive-aggressive behavior to deter the change management effort and team, they’re more likely to be on board with growth.
- Is Your Career in the Midst of a Tough Shift?
- Is Your Career in the Midst of a Tough Shift – Part 2?
- Is Your Career in the Midst of a Tough Shift – Part 3?
- Books:
- The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense is an operating system for life to go from unfulfilled to fulfilled. The system within the book can be applied broadly across one’s life or specifically to one’s vocation or work. When people experience and possess a system for personal growth, then change is more readily accepted and processed productively rather than resisted even to one’s own detriment.
- The Discovery Guide is a companion workbook to The On-Purpose Person with the many forms and more detailed instructions for self-study. There’s a preview and a paid version.
- Man’s Search For Meaning by Dr. Viktor Frankl provides the basis for surviving the worst imaginable conditions — life in a concentration camp. Dr. Frankl is the father of logotherapy, a branch of psychology grounded in the principle that the power to choose one’s response to situations is inherent.
- Keynote Address:
- Tough Shift™ is both a program and an expression delivered by Kevin W. McCarthy. As the name (say it slowly) implies, there’s a humorous yet realistic approach to addressing change. Tough Shift programs are available for both individuals and organizations facing or in the midst of change.
Need further help customizing and integrating and your training objectives and outcomes? Join a live On-Purpose Presenter–only video conference call to ask questions or invest in a one-hour consultation. We’ll help you better connect the dots of the module to your program and learner outcomes.