Summary: The basis of every financial advisor’s work is a financial plan for the client. Preceding the financial plan is a purpose — a reason for wanting to plan in the first place. provides both the client and the financial advisor with the purest, most sincere expression of purpose via the 2-word purpose statement. Here is the bedrock of their life. Therefore, here is the bedrock from which a financial plan can be designed and built to be anchored in more than just money alone.
Financial plans are a vital part of a larger life plan. Your clients are attempting to fund their future life today in order to realize what they envision tomorrow. Purpose is their reason for being, their why.
Without a purpose, money management is more akin to a game where the score is kept in dollars. A 2-word purpose infuses the client and the plan with deeper meaning where the score is kept by contribution and legacy.
With a 2-word purpose in the planning mix, you’ll gain access to the deepest and most meaningful insights into clients’ personalities and needs. You’ll be an even better financial advisor.
Target Audience Training Application: Every financial advisor will benefit from knowing his or her 2-word purpose. In an industry where there’s traditionally high turnover in the early career stages, linking purpose to production shifts the conversation from hitting numbers to meaningfully engaging clients to guide them to realizing their wants and dreams.
Clients who walk into a financial advisor’s office knowing their purpose are better prepared to discuss in meaningful terms their vision, missions, and values that inform the financial plan. In other words, purpose makes your planning job easier, increases customer rapport and retention, and produces better relationships that sustain the ups and downs of markets and life alike.
- Insurance General Agents and Agents
- Chartered Life Underwriters
- Stock Brokers/Investment Advisors
- Financial Planners and Advisors
- Certified Financial Planner
- Chartered Financial Consultant
- Chartered Financial Analyst
- Chartered Investment Counselor
- Financial Risk Manager
- Certified Public Accountant/Accountant
- Legacy writers and planners
- Family Office leadership
- Estate planning attorneys
Resources: The following resources are provided to stimulate your thinking about how the module can fit into your current training and development offerings.
- Books:
- The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense is an operating system for life to go from unfulfilled to fulfilled. The system within the book can be applied broadly across one’s life or specifically to one’s financials, vocation, family, or more.
- The Discovery Guide is a companion workbook to The On-Purpose Person with the many forms and more detailed instructions for self-study. There’s a preview and a paid version.
- Videos:
- Is More Money Your Answer? Who doesn’t want more money? Money provides necessities as well as luxuries. When money becomes the end game, it may be worth asking if you’re playing the right game.
- What Is Money Worth to You? Money, life, and work are interwoven life themes. Your money perspective paints your financial outlook. Money has meaning, but is it the source of meaning and worth?
- Is Money Mastering Your Life? What is the relationship of purpose and money? Here’s the crux of many a modern-day challenge of money mastering our lives and dominating our thoughts. Is it practical and affordable to be on-purpose? How do we bridge the gap between what our heart wants and paying our bills?
- Program:
- Making Meaningful Money. Money is a store of value, but is it a store of purpose and values? Anyone can make money, but what does it take to make meaningful money? The implications of this question press into purpose and its inherent relationship with the nature of work, spirituality, compensation, self-worth, investments, legacy, and more.
Need further help customizing and integrating and your training objectives and outcomes? Join a live On-Purpose Presenter–only video conference call to ask questions or invest in a one-hour consultation. We’ll help you better connect the dots of the module to your program and learner outcomes.